Review of the BeamNG drive Download for PC How To Download BeamNG Drive PC Instructions.Review of the BeamNG drive Download for PC.Please report to a moderator, or contact the Support, if the link above doesn't work anymore, that link tends to change often. You can do so by downloading and installing this: If you receive that message when trying to launch the game, you need to update your DirectX installation. Missing X3DAudio1_7.dll when launching the game

Open it and simply double-click to launch the techdemo. You should now have a BeamNG-Techdemo-v2 folder in the location where you dragged the folder to. Only the folders name may be slightly different. NOTE: These instructions are also valid for the Humble Bundle 'ZIP' version of the game. That action will extract the techdemo files from the ZIP. Then drag BeamNG-Techdemo-v2 folder in another folder. Double click to open it (Windows has a built-in tool to open ZIP files). When the download is over, you will find a file named BeamNG-Techdemo-v2.1.zip on your desktop (or download location). You can download the techdemo from the following link:Įxtracting the techdemo folder from the ZIP

Do not use this techdemo to test your system or evaluate the game! Please read carefully the red notice at the top of this page. Techdemo - How to Downloading the Techdemo To request a refund, contact us directly, providing the same email address used in the order:

It does not represent the quality, performance, content and requirements of the game in its current version. Please do not use this to test your system. The Techdemo is from March 2015 and runs on DirectX 9. 3 Missing X3DAudio1_7.dll when launching the game.